Noto Sans Arabic Condensed Bold

名称: Noto Sans Arabic Condensed 标题: Noto Sans Arabic Condensed Bold PostScript名称: NotoSansArabicCondensed-Bold
字形: 1 超压缩 1 倾斜 超压缩 大小: 174.09K 版本: Version 2.004
语言: 英语(美国) 字符个数: 1637 类型: TTF 访问次数: 0
设计: Monotype Design Team, Nadine Chahine and Nizar Qandah MD5: fbb783a6ff2aeffdf2a29f5d264496bd 是否商用: 商用需授权
版权: Copyright 2015-2020 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. 商标: Noto is a trademark of Google LLC 制造商: Monotype Imaging Inc. 收录时间: 2025-02-04 22:32:20


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0030-0039 ASCII Digits
FB50-FB50 Rial Sign
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Good W02 Comp News字体 BW7i Enterprise Condensed字体 SF NS Compressed Heavy字体 Inconsolata UltraExpanded Extr... 汉仪许静行楷W字体 ☞Karibu Wide Extra Bold字体 Almost like the blues字体 FSP DEMO - rgntt xp ltrBld Reg... Stereo Gothic W01 150 Italic字体 ☞Karibu Narrow Demi Bold字体 Good Head SC Offc Pro Cond Med... Samton Extra Extended Light字体 SF NS Condensed Ultralight G1字... Fira Sans Extra Condensed Semi... FZYaSongS-SB-GB字体 Oddlini Black ExtExp UtObli字体 Noto Sans Arabic SemiCondensed... GoodHeadlinePro-CompNews字体 Aster Bold字体 Zing Rust Halftone B1 Fill Sha... NimbusSansT-RegularCondensedRo... NEOTERIQUE Italic字体 EFT_TypoText Regular字体 Barlow Condensed Light字体 Paralucent W00 Thin Italic字体 Casus W10 Light Italic字体 Muslimah-Thin字体 Estandar Rounded W00 XLight It... AmericanTypewriter-Cond字体 Inconsolata SemiExpanded Black... Braga W95 Dots字体 星汉等宽 CN Bold字体 Darwin W00 ExtraLight字体 Sarasa Term Slab CL Light Ital... Paralucent Condensed W00 Th It... 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