
名称: AponaLohit 标题: AponaLohit PostScript名称: AponaLohit
字形: 常规 倾斜 粗体 粗体 倾斜 大小: 332.59K 版本: Version 1.01
语言: 英语(美国) 字符个数: 480 类型: TTF 访问次数: 0
MD5: 22c8b1ba992d50fea6d3d2ad403af1f1 是否商用: 商用需授权
版权: Glyphs are taken from "Lohit Bengali" made by Automatic Control Equipments, Pune, INDIA. Font adapted to UNICODE by the contributors of www.ekushey.org TrueType hintings have been added by Alamigr Mohammed (alamgir99@gmail.com) and Ershadul Haq (ershad@gmail.com). This font is free for use and distribution under the license conditions of GNU GPL (given below) and on the condition that the website distributing this font must provide a direct link to www.apona-bd.com or www.joomla.org.bd. If you dont agree to this condition then dont distribute this font, ask the users to download directly from www.apona-bd.com or www.joomla.org.bd. This font is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 商标: not included. 收录时间: 2022-02-12 20:42:42


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