名称: ADM5 标题: ADM5 PostScript名称: ADM5
字形: 常规 倾斜 粗体 粗体 倾斜 大小: 27.34K 版本: Version 001.000
语言: 英语(美国) 字符个数: 103 类型: OTF 访问次数: 0
MD5: d0d09cc1573127d889296349d70f7034 是否商用: 商用需授权
版权: Copyright (c) 2016, Peter Hull (, with Reserved Font Name "ADM5". This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: ----------------------------------------------------------- SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------- PREAMBLE The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership with others. The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded, redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives, however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives. DEFINITIONS "Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may include source files, build scripts and documentation. "Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the copyright statement(s). "Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as distributed by the Copyright Holder(s). "Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting, or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a new environment. "Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical wr... 收录时间: 2022-02-12 15:03:43


0024-0024 Dollar Sign
0030-0039 ASCII Digits
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ADM5字体 霞鹜文楷等宽 轻便版 Light字体 Mastana KUFI1字体 Gineso-NorBoo字体 Rythm N Blacks字体 Liza Italic字体 Guardian Circus字体 FGGyoshoLC-M; FGPGyoshoLC-M字体 AB Futurun字体 Moonlight Magic Italic字体 Lemonade Thin字体 Total Millenial字体 Tiepolo-BoldItalic字体 Drivel-ExpandedBold字体 Larken DEMO Bold字体 Lamberto Italic字体 TimesNow-Bold字体 Sometimes Times Regular字体 WeChat Sans Std Bold字体 Thicker Than... Leftalic字体 Anek Kannada ExtraLight字体 SonicKeys字体 Bay Tavern W05 Light字体 Beauty Signature字体 FMBolyarSansRust-200字体 Shwe Bold字体 JackieAlternate字体 Aldine721BT-Bold字体 Target Shooting字体 DhakarchithiMJ Italic字体 MrsEavesSmartLigRoman字体 Mallino字体 DSAyaksC字体 FZ ROMAN 2字体 Belukha Capital字体 SF Pro Rounded Regular字体 a_AntiqueTtlTrdCmDn字体 AG_Kahuna_P_Rev字体 Monomod字体 SF Orson Casual Shaded Oblique... Subito字体 Heleodora 2字体 Pooler字体 adineue PRO TT字体 Tokyo Drifter Straight Expande... VonnesTTBold字体 AddFatMan字体 SongB-03字体 珠穆朗玛—美术体字体 MagicGarden字体 14-16 sai er ta字体 UKIJ Tuz Qara字体 Diana Script Agency Bold Plain... Qabula字体 BentonSans Thin字体 RonniesHand Regular字体 UTM ClassizismAntiqua字体 蒙纳黑体(港标)微信公众号:数码迷(ID:wanshuma)... PFDaVinciScriptInkedAlt-Regula... Numpty DEMO Regular字体 Martel UltraLight字体 Paramount New Script字体 SancoaleSlabCondLight字体 ArtsansC BoldItalic字体 AWXH_FZ字体 CuteMidi Tljp字体 Bachelor Pad Shadow JL字体 AtzurPro字体 Porlane-Regular字体 Alice5 Lao字体 StoneSerifPhonEF-MedPlus字体 Draftsman Casual B字体 Ample字体 Darkholme Regular字体 Noto Serif Thai ExtraBold字体 华康方圆字体 Fusion Bold字体 FagoNoBlackTF字体 Second Lyrics字体 SolperaMediumOSF-Bold字体 Le Monde Sans Light OsF字体 HandelGothicEFOP-Light字体 BelweBT-Medium字体 blocks Regular字体 GrecoStd-M字体 Cupid Italic字体 Clear Sans Bold Italic字体 paperfont字体 Gill Sans Infant MT Bold字体 PresentScript-Thin字体 Aa小小黑 (非商业使用)字体 Costanera-LightItalic字体 Crayon By Anayvy Thin字体 HaboroSans-ExtDemi字体 MD Futaba KT字体 Cardenio Modern Regular字体 Direktor字体 Durandal Black字体 Archian-BoogieWoogie字体 Ayunda Regular字体 MetaPlusBook-Caps字体 Cause Medium字体 CE DANA字体 HvDTrial SupriaSans-CondBlack字... AngiesDean字体 FranklinGothicURWExtComDBoo字体 EB Corp Semi Bold Oblique字体 Vineta HU Normal字体 Floyd 5字体 Playfair Display SC Bold字体 FuturaExBld字体 BernhardModURW Bold Italic字体 中意俪黑字体 [TOP_SECRET]字体 Flow Ext Bold字体 Archer-Bold字体 TBTVMinStd-Bold字体 Betelgeuse-Regular字体 Excited字体 BotanikaMono-Regular字体 Morl Semi Light字体 NavigoBlack字体 At Slam XXCnd Semibold Backsla... HandoTrial-Black字体 CHei2HK-Xbold字体 Mannaram字体 Farquharson Regular字体 GutenbergGothic-Regular字体 Miguel Semi Bold字体 ARMPukan Bold Italic字体 Munchies Thin字体 Gill Sans字体 Mori Gothic Light字体 Sarasa Term Slab HC Bold字体 ITC Mona Lisa Recut字体 Denver-BoldIta字体 ☞Anglecia Pro Title Light字体 FOTAccordion-BoldItalic字体 NimbusSanTCon Bold字体 YGODIY-JP 常规字体 UWCKTF (Big5)字体 NeometricAlt-ExtraLight字体 Birkland字体 Exo ExtraBold Italic字体 StaffordOutline-Regular字体 Grumpy-Black36字体 GargleExRg-Italic字体 AlianzaSlab500字体 Famba-Light字体 Georgia Pro W01 Italic字体 Baskerville Pro Inclined字体 Tiffany Light BT字体 EvitLogo_2字体 SexythingBold字体 MrsEavesJustLig Regular字体 Xmas Script字体 Deranged 1字体 Olnova-Heavy字体 Navarro-Ultra-Regular字体 HandwrittenByYapoots字体 fz-wencang-087字体 Valentin字体 ParisianNights-Bold字体 Lincoln Lode字体 Sheets Braille字体 MagistralATT字体 Greta-Normal字体 FZ ROMAN 31 ITALIC字体 TQF Regular字体 P22UndergroundCY-Medium字体 Informal 011 Black BT字体 Battlefield Bold Italic字体 RC-XH-C39-S字体 妙笔寒辉体字体 邯郸外线黑拼音体字体 Geogrotesque Sharp Wide SmBd字体 Fabrics Regular字体 Dye-Cut Regular字体 AccordAltLight字体 Racon-BasicBold字体 Dream Han Sans TW W10字体 Revalo ModernRegular字体 Blonk Sparkle字体 Clarita Italic字体 Lakeshore-Regular字体 Century Schoolbook SWA字体 汉仪综艺体繁字体 Oswald Regular字体 Potlar字体 Wild字体 CPo3PRC-Bold字体 DFYeaSong-B5 Otf W9字体 BusterD字体 BritannicTMed字体 Plak W01 Black Extra Condensed... Vag-Light-Regular字体 Wide awake字体 Noam Text字体 Agustrush字体 Noto Serif SemiBold字体 Calyne Dingbat字体 DS SysDot-1A字体 AdobeCorpID-MyriadBl字体 FOTBotanItalic字体 Radikal W01 Regular字体 Iosevka Curly Slab Heavy Exten... 腾祥铚谦钢笔体简字体 URWBaskerTGR Bold字体 PFMellon-Regular字体 PT Bodoni Italic Cyrillic字体 BrownBulgary字体 DFLongMenGB Std W9字体 Roboto Serif 36pt Expanded Bol... Soft Facets字体 LFT Etica Sheriff Cnd XBold字体 Embassy字体 VUK-05字体 Kruti Dev 366字体 Bitstream Arrus Italic字体 Dispose-Light字体 Winter Coffee字体 LHF Amarillo字体 PFPremierDisplay-Bold字体 Achilles Super-Italic字体 Mencranġ字体 Komika Title - Axis字体 LatienneSwaT Italic字体 PalatinoExpertBQ-RomanOsF字体 Wharmby Regular字体 UUS UK ESLIYE TOM字体 Aleo ExtraBold Italic字体 Lara dot Serif Regular字体 Gimbal Egyp Cond Reg字体 LubalinBold字体 CaravanLH-One字体 DTLFleischmannSD-MediumItalic字... Gear SNum-3L Light字体 Captura Italic Demo字体 BIZZARE-Hollow字体 CorporateSBQ-MedSC字体 ChaparralPro-Bold字体 Mcs Book Title 3字体 Sarasa Fixed TC字体 ATPelican字体 Helvetica Now Disp W04 XBd It字... GSI Weather Symbols字体 Roboto Serif 72pt ExtraCondens... 更纱黑体 UI J Italic字体 AdelonAntique-Regular字体 Brave Phoenix Expanded Italic字...