Ambroise Try Francois ExtraBold

名称: Ambroise Try Francois Ambroise Try Francois ExtraBold 标题: Ambroise Try Francois ExtraBold PostScript名称: AmbroiseStdFrancois-ExtraBold
字形: 加粗 加粗 倾斜 大小: 19.06K 版本: Version 2.000;PS 2.0;hotconv 1.0.88;makeotf.lib2.5.647800
语言: 英语(美国) 字符个数: 68 类型: OTF 访问次数: 1
设计: Jean Francois Porchez MD5: 4fac20fdb0bd0e19f3a1c3831712db9e 是否商用: 商用需授权
版权: 2001-2016 Copyright Jean Francois Porchez, Typofonderie. Try version of Pro font. Try version of Pro font Distributed exclusively by Typofonderie, France. This font software may not be reproduced, modified, disclosed or transferred without the express written approval of Typofonderie. Ambroise is a trademark of Typofonderie. 商标: Ambroise is a trademark of Typofonderie 制造商: Typofonderie 收录时间: 2022-02-13 16:38:47


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