Nepomuk Regular

名称: Nepomuk 标题: Nepomuk Regular PostScript名称: Nepomuk-Regular
字形: 常规 倾斜 粗体 粗体 倾斜 大小: 42.54K 版本: Version 001.000
语言: 英语(美国) 字符个数: 273 类型: OTF 访问次数: 0
MD5: 8bbba2f0dfc1b80c284f67f68ed07e61 是否商用: 商用需授权
版权: Copyright (c) 2014, Florian Kretlow, with Reserved Font Name "Nepomuk". This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: ----------------------------------------------------------- SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------- PREAMBLE The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership with others. The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded, redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives, however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives. DEFINITIONS "Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may include source files, build scripts and documentation. "Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the copyright statement(s). "Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as distributed by the Copyright Holder(s). "Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting, or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a new environment. "Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software. PER... 收录时间: 2022-05-01 10:51:28


0000-001F C0 Controls
0024-0024 Dollar Sign
0030-0039 ASCII Digits
FB00-FB06 Latin Ligatures
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Nepomuk Regular字体 FRIENDLY ROBOT-Inverse字体 Acolate字体 Glitten Regular字体 Test Metric-BoldItalic字体 Novecentowide-Book字体 Scene Alt BoldItalic字体 Olaf Mate Regular字体 Dread Ringer Staggered字体 Encino Regular字体 Vtks Textones字体 Voltagio-Italic字体 Whoa!字体 Warrior Nation Condensed Itali... B03normal100字体 Kahlil字体 ST This Font DEMO Regular字体 字魂妙笔元青手书字体 Cajito-LightItalic字体 BodoniFerraraHairline-ExtBd字体 WeissStd-ExtraBold字体 Harty Demo字体 PSL PojamarnAD Italic字体 QUANTUM-Hollow字体 Proxima Nova S CondensedW05ThI... LHFFullBlock字体 Chandas字体 LatoLatin Medium Regular字体 Heroes Fest字体 DF King Gothic HE10 Semibold字体 Raleway Light字体 Shake It Off-Hollow-Inverse字体 Khexif ExtraLight Italic字体 Babe字体 FOTConchoid-ExtraexpandedRegul... 华邦从海硬笔行楷字体 StempelGaramond-RomanOsF字体 Consolas Bold Italic字体 Fun City Level 2 Basic字体 Comica BD字体 Font Color icon字体 Plak Com Black字体 FZKuNiuTiS Light字体 Itypewriter-DemiBold字体 ElaDemiserif-SemiBoldItalic字体 Coverly字体 Noto Sans Khmer ExtraCondensed... BoboBlackAl字体 CaslonNo540SwaAltD Italic字体 HM Amperserif Text Regular字体 Office Wit JL字体 PinkedHeartsG字体 GRAPHIC DESIGN字体 SouvenirLightItalic字体 Sica-Condensed3字体 ProximaNovaACond-BoldIt字体 MellsButter字体 Sister-Light字体 F2FEntebbeLTStd字体 Massias Font字体 INVASION字体 Allana Regular字体 Modica Hairline字体 MesmerizeEb-Italic字体 Endlants-Regular字体 Pentagramme字体 Modestic display Medium Italic... Civane Ext Bold字体 Jupiteroid Bold字体 RugsnatcherDEMO字体 Thunder Nova Semi-Italic字体 Heading Pro Thin Italic字体 Abalaris-ExtraexpandedBold字体 FZQuYuanS Light字体 UmbaSoft-Bold字体 余生勿念字体 AEZ segar字体 QCF_P240字体 Hugesnow字体 AG-ShotgunBlanks_P Bold字体 Rainbow Christmas - Personal U... Dracutaz字体 Graublau Sans Heavy字体 可可六姑娘字体 Showboat Alt字体 Torus Notched Heavy字体 Floating in the sky字体 Pusia DemiBold Italic字体 CaviarDreams-Medium字体 Univers Next Pro Compressed字体 AG_Mandarin_C字体 Proforma-SemiBoldItalicSC字体 Flight Legion Gradient字体 RobleRoundedSCapsSSK字体 Changa Medium字体 Dancing Days字体 HeadstoneDEMO-Italic字体 Martienso Medium字体 Angillian-ExtraexpandedRegular... CharcuterieSans字体 SugondhaMJ Bold字体 Loving 12字体 HM Ampersand Arabic Kufi字体 Mshtakan BoldOblique字体 Moniker Bold字体 Podium-Bold字体 Millar-Regular4字体 文鼎中隸簡字体 TT Fellows Trial Light字体 AriaTextG2-BoldItalic字体 Boxise字体 BL Melody ExtraLight字体 Karu-MediumItalic字体 SJDream Regular字体 CCodeIND2of5_S1字体 Toyota Type字体 PZWRZN+Helvetica字体 Honest Merchant字体 Libre Caslon Condensed Regular... Grimpt Brush字体 FZXYLN+Univers-Condensed字体 PFDumbOldTypeTwo AlterHeavy字体 Yello Lemon字体 Predige-LightItalic字体 SPF X1P字体 Sans Stiefel Regular字体 汉仪校园怀旧体 Regular字体 Blowing字体 Cereal Skin2字体 ChollaUnicaseLigatures字体 Ghea Adasta字体 CallNineL-ItalicExp字体 Fraunces 144pt Bold字体 Grandstander Medium字体 Events Regular字体 Morena Semibold字体 MagnoliaSky字体 Airport Mono Regular字体 SF DecoTechno Bold字体 OuiWolfie-Condensed字体 CowPatty-CondensedRegular字体 Chivels-ChiselLight字体 MesmerizeCdBk-Italic字体 ☞Bladi Two Condensed Comic 4F字... Univers-U65字体 XanaduFont Regular ttcon字体 PeignotLTStd-Demi字体 Candara字体 tianrod tianrod字体 Sorai字体 MOSuujiHA-HBn字体 FZ SCRIPT 1 EX字体 EideticModern-BoldItalic字体 MesmerizeCdRg-Italic字体 ZhaiZaiJiaMaiKeBi F字体 Guanabara Sans Regular 3字体 Code39HalfInch-Regular字体 Fleur Marche字体 The Texterius Italic字体 ChristmasGiftScriptA字体 Sangria Swash Set 1 Regular字体 VPS Con Son Bold字体 Allegro字体 Tranzam-Bold字体 VistaSansReg字体 Terra BoldItalic字体 Spitzkant Text Regular字体 Mon Verdana Bold字体 Corresponding Regular字体 AATMZL字体 Operetta 18 Extra Light字体 Goudy-BoldOsF字体 February2-Initials字体 CorporativeSoftAlt-Medium字体 Bodoni-Bold字体 Really No 2 Hebrew W05 SmBd It... DiskusDMed字体 Frutiger-Bold字体 Golazo demo字体 FFF Viewpoint Bold Extended字体 Xtctype字体 Lash Rough字体 Fira Sans Compressed Two字体 FontinSans-SmallCaps字体 Perrywood MT Bold字体 Babylon字体 LechterThinItalic字体 Almonte-Regular字体 Adelphi PE Text TRIAL Bd It字体 FOTHavolin字体 FOTGuilden-ExpandedItalic字体 Cornered字体 Industria-InlineA字体 Dictator字体 Nuance Italic字体 DJB THE CHEERLEADER字体 CronosPro-BoldDisp字体 BodoniOneSeventyFive-HItalic字体 FibonSans-Light字体 SF Chrome Fenders Extended字体 LHFDiptripflipfantasia字体 Bellevue字体 IrmaTextSlab-HeavyItalic字体 LetterSweater Outline SSi Norm... Nissan normal字体 JoeTasliman字体 Tortello字体 Stengkol03字体 CourierTM Bold字体 Vertigo-Bold字体 BellanieScript字体 Vipnagorgialla Bold字体 Bell MT W01 Italic字体 Wolf's Bane II Academy字体 Utah WGL Condensed W10 Bold It... Vostrey Regular字体 StanhopeMediumItalic字体 PZ.Heart字体 ExemplarPro-Italic字体 FOLD Regular字体 Mr Leopolde字体 InfoTextProdm-MediumItalic字体 StanhopeLight字体 Quincy CF Light字体 ☞Aracne Stamp UltraCond Reg字体 FRANCO-Bold Italic字体 Alathena-Thin字体 Flower Adaline字体 Retail Script LET Plain:1.0字体 Canela Bark Bold PERSONAL USE字... RodeoC字体 Aji Hand字体 DolbyGustan-Extrabold字体 Lao (Faluang)字体 KeuleSansSerifEF-Regular字体 SebNeue-Air字体 VanessasHand Regular字体 ☞ClaraSerif-Bold字体 Entreon字体 BwSurco-Book字体 URWPolluxScrNo2D字体 Clarkie 3 Laura Cox字体 MSungPRC-Bold字体 Swanish字体 Disnaily字体 Calibri Light Italic字体 Respective字体 Orev Edge W05 Light Italic字体 MonotypeOldStyleMT-BoldOut字体 NewRailAlphabet-White字体