Sans Stiefel Regular

名称: Sans Stiefel 标题: Sans Stiefel Regular PostScript名称: Sanstiefel
字形: 常规 倾斜 粗体 粗体 倾斜 大小: 99.02K 版本: Version 0.1
语言: 英语(美国) 字符个数: 585 类型: OTF 访问次数: 0
MD5: fc839338b901d449423afa6fe1c94d12 是否商用: 商用需授权
版权: Copyright (c) 2011 Gerrit Ansmann. Licence ------- PREAMBLE This licence is based on the Ubuntu Font Licence, reverting some of its changes to the the SIL Open Font License. This licence allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded and redistributed provided the terms of this licence are met. The fonts and derivatives, however, cannot be released under any other licence. The requirement for fonts to remain under this licence does not require any document created using the fonts or their derivatives to be published under this licence, as long as the primary purpose of the document is not to be a vehicle for the distribution of the fonts. DEFINITIONS 'Font Software' refers to the set of files released by the Copyright Holder(s) under this licence and clearly marked as such. This may include source files, build scripts and documentation. 'Original Version' refers to the collection of Font Software components as received under this licence. 'Modified Version' refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting or substituting--in part or in whole--any of the components of the Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a new environment. 'Author' refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software. 'Substantially Changed' refers to Modified Versions which can be easily identified as dissimilar to the Font Software by users of the Font Software comparing the Original Version with the Modified Version. To 'propagate' a work means to do anything with it that, without permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or without modification and with or without charging a redistribution fee), making ava... 收录时间: 2023-03-11 11:28:20


0024-0024 Dollar Sign
0030-0039 ASCII Digits
20AC-20AC Euro Sign
2190-21FF 箭头 (Arrows)
FB00-FB06 Latin Ligatures
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Neuropol-Medium字体 Blinker Thin字体 ISO symbol T5字体 Bearer 25i c HR字体 AG Old Face Bold字体 Brave Phoenix Compact Italic字体 Bitstream Vera Sans Bold字体 Brisk Italic字体 Heckler-Bold字体 MostraNuovaAltD-Light字体 BaseTwelveSansSmallcaps字体 IsbellITCbyBT-BoldItalic字体 a_TechnicsCnc DemiBold字体 FDF Fat Daddy Jazz字体 Flowing Flowers字体 Trump Gothic East W01 Medium字体 Manga字体 AvantGarde Md BT字体 JenthillLight字体 TrolaText-Regular字体 BwGlennSlab-Hairline字体 ☞Arventa Slab PRO Medium Itali... 05字体 DFMingMedium-B5字体 AG-Helv_BN_P NormalItalic字体 FiftiesHollow字体 Brusch Casual Medium字体 AppleTP XI字体 Advanced Pixel-7字体 Stempel Garamond LT Roman字体 KlintLTPro-BlackExtended字体 Louco-Regular字体 IvyStyleSans-SemiBoldItalic字体 Whitney-BlackItalic字体 ML-TTRevathi BoldItalic字体 Univers 57 Condensed Oblique字体 SansRoundedC字体 unttld Basic字体 MuseoSansRounded-300Italic字体 Italia Medium字体 Ethan Medium字体 TrendexSSK SemiBold字体 Modulo 16 Vertical字体 BigBroken字体 Cooperation Nest字体 Kh Digital Thom字体 FZJingQiShenTiJF ExtraLight字体 Cocktail Italic字体 锐字云字库中长宋体GBK字体 Aparo字体 EACArluck Italic字体 Panefresco 999wt Italic字体 Automatic字体 HaverinkScript字体 KoburinaGoStd-W3字体 Tempera Regular字体 Egg Roll Expanded字体 Lariat字体 Rapid Thin Normal字体 仓耳万东行书 W01字体 Mogul Book Antiqua字体